Test SW Image
The preferred installation method for the Portsdown software involves downloading the Raspbian Jessie operating system, unzipping it, writing it to an SD card and then running an installation script to download and install all the Portsdown software. This method ensures that the latest version of all the software packages is installed. The instructions for this "normal" installation are detailed on this web page: https://github.com/BritishAmateurTelevisionClub/rpidatv.
An alternative method, which does not require an enduring internet connection, and does not rely on any 3rd party websites (only the BATC Website), is to download and install a complete disk image of the Portsdown software. The disadvantage of this method is that the initial download is very large, and that the software will not be the latest version. Due to the work involved in preparing the image, new images will only be published once very 6 months or so.
Here are the instructions for this method:
1. Download this very large (767MB) zip file: File:201801061.zip
2. Using 7zip, or a similar program, unzip the file. The file extracted should be "201801061.img" and be 1,902,592 KB in size.
3. Using a program such as Win 32 Disk Imager, write the .img file to your SD Card.
4. Eject the SD Card from your PC, and put it in your Raspberry Pi and boot up.
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