Portsdown Video Sources
The video encoders on the Portsdown transmitter need specific configuiration for each video device. Information about some of these devices has been collated on this page. The exact model of device can be found by using the Linux command lsusb and checking the manufacturer and device IDs - each are 4-digit hex numbers.
The information needed to configure the cameras for the Portsdown can be gleaned from the following commands:
v4l2-ctl --list-devices v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video1 --list-formats-ext arecord -l arecord -f S16_LE -c 2 -r 60000 -D hw:1,0 -d 5 testS16_LE.wav
Then trial and error is required to fine-tune the response.
Logitech C920 - Old Version
Response to lsusb:
ID 046d:082d Logitech, Inc. HD Pro Webcam C920
This version of the C920 includes a very capable hardware H264 encoder, which is not included in the newer version. This camera is supported by both the Portsdown 2020 and the Portsdown 4. The responses to the commands above are listed here: Media:C920_Old.pdf
Logitech C920 - New Version
Response to lsusb:
ID 046d:0892 Logitech, Inc. OrbiCam
This newer version of the C920 has different electronics without the H264 hardware encoder included. The reponses to the commands above are listed here: File:C920_New.pdf