Repeater Controller SSH Commands
In normal operation, the repeater controller is set to start itself on boot-up. However, for configuration and testing there are a number of additional commands that can be used from the SSH command line.
Stopping the Controller
The controller can be stopped by entering
at the command line. This tells all the repeater processes to stop and should show a "Controller Software Not Running" caption on the HDMI output.
Editing the Configuration File
You can edit the configuration file with the command
nano atv-rptr/config/repeater_config.txt
Use the arrow keys to move about (not the mouse) and save by pressing ctrl-x, y and then enter. Discard changes by simply pressing ctrl-x and then n.
If it has all gone wrong, you can start again with a factory-fresh configuration file using the command
cp atv-rptr/config/repeater_config.txt atv-rptr/config/repeater_config.txt.factory
Note that you will lose all if your previous edits.
Restarting the Controller for Testing
You can restart the controller for testing by entering
You will see a running commentary of what the repeater is doing in the console window. However, if you close the window, the repeater will stop.
You can start the repeater so that it runs and keeps a log of what it is doing (even if you close the controller window) by entering this command:
nohup atv-rptr/utils/ &
Then press ctrl-c to get back to the command prompt.
If you see behaviour that you want to investigate, enter
to force the last bit of the log to be written to the file, and then enter
tail -25 log.txt
to see the last 25 lines of the log.