Portsdown MeteorView

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The Portsdown Meteor Viewer uses an SDRplay RSPdx and displays 10 kHz of spectrum in a waterfall. The RSPdx needs to be connected to the Portsdown 4 USB2 (black, not blue) socket. Other models of the SDRplay RSP family of SDRs may work.

Streaming Data to a Central Server

By default the Meteor Viewer displays the waterfall locally; however, it can also stream the IQ data to a central server for display with other streams as seen here: GB3MBA Server.

In this mode, MeteorView does not require a touchscreen display and can run totally headless.

Building an SD Card for Unattended MeteorView Streaming

Using a Raspberry Pi 4 with no screen connected, build a new Portsdown SD Card using the instructions here: