1988 - 1992 CQ-TV 141 to CQ-TV 160

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Issue 160 November 1992
Article Page
13cm ATV – It’s as easy as this! 59
70cm TVI filter 41
BSB on 3cm!! 56
Beyond TTL - part 4 51
Camtech TXV4000 PLL video transmitter 43
Digitalkers revisited 34
Expanding the Pace SS6000 satellite receiver 64
Fade to black with A/B mixer 36
Lighting ATV - part 1 17
More on BSB receivers 58
NICAM decoder project 21
SSTV - A new British scan converter kit 84
Synclock unit for the BBC home computer 9
Tidal propagation 38
Issue 159 August 1992
Article Page
10GHz feeder for Amstrad dish – construction 57
24cm Walk about Hat Aerial 23
Circuit Notebook 47 - BNC coax attenuators 59
Circuit notebook 47 - Portable power supplies 59
Digital SSTV TX coder 8
Hi-Fi sound on 24cm ATV 34
In the Studio No. 14 - 4 channel audio mixer 51
Modifying BSB receivers for D2 MAC signals 36
More on SSTV standards 63
NICAM system explained 24
PUFF - Microwave StripLine CAD program 20
The VK Antennas Quad Loop 78
ViewPort VGA SSTV system for the PC computer 70
Issue 158 May 1992
Article Page
ATV system by F3YX 13
Amiga Bits and Pieces 34
Analyser III - Analogue cct simulator for the PC 83
Beyond TTL - part 3 - I/O (PPI) 24
DMAC Packet - An Overview 41
Pro Video Companion 75
Remotely Tuned Converter 73
SSTV Standards debate 68
Simple sync stripper 20
The Saarparabol Receiver 66
Video interface for the Philips V2000 21
Video switcher (16 input) 36
Issue 157 February 1992
Article Page
23cm ATV transmitter (construction) 32
Aerials - more on phasing 66
Beyond TTL - part 2, EPROM program for Z80 37
Circuit notebook 45 - The ’S’ meter 68
Fade to Black (improved from ATC page 11) 19
HDTV? - What’s that then? 47
Hi-Res v1.5 SSTV software ( Robot 1200 + PC ) 52
I 2 C ATV station (BATC project) 28
Setting up yer DEVE’ (FM deviation measurement) 26
Spectrum Analyser (not so simple) 21
The Tele Snapper 9
Using the 48k Spectrum as an I 2 C keyboard 64
Using the BATC BBS 78
Issue 156 November 1991
Article Page
10GHz ATV the easy way - part 4 56
A 5-element video filter 32
A Detachable high power E-Plane probe 48
BATC at the Hamfest 73
BATC bulletin board 76
Beyond TTL - part 1, Microprocessors 50
Constructing Aerial phasing lines 25
How to get into Sat-TV with a Melon not a dish 71
In the Studio, part 13 Faders and Effects amps 33
More Cropredy board tips 26
More on THAT video filter (see 155) 77
Pulsar - Digital Cct Simulator software package 20
Repeater Group affiliations 76
SSTV - A new standard? 28
S-VHS/CVBS to RGB converter 9
Using Oscilloscopes - part 9, (conclusion) 40
Issue 155 August 1991
Article Page
Big Brother - a look at ’Video Studio Professional’ 58
Broadcast band DX-TV reception 68
Component Television 18
Logic circuits - part 10 (Conclusion) 33
Microwave plumbing! Circular waveguide for 3cm 31
Mods to the Cropredy Test Card 21
SSTV revisited – updates 54
Second- hand Sony cameras 30
Show report - Convention ’91 64
TV Repeater power levels 67
Using Oscilloscopes - part 8 45
Video Line Selector 9
Video Sweep Generator 52
Z-match II Smith chart RF design software package 24
Issue 154 May 1991
Article Page
10GHz the easy way - part 3 33
Broadcast band DX-TV reception 65
Capaciting Capacitors, a description 17
Easy-PC CAD package 53
In the Studio - part 12 61
Logic circuits - part 9 - linear OP amps 40
Programming EPROMs for the Teletext Pattern Gen 23
TVRO in the early days 22
Talking Repeaters 28
Two quickies from Eric, picture splitter + SSTV switch 78
Using Oscilloscopes - part 7 45
Video Mixing Desk & Effects Generator - Part 4 10
Issue 153 February 1991
Article Page
10GHz the easy way - part 2 64
ATV and how to get started 17
Broadcast band DX-TV reception 73
Colour on 70cm? VSB it!! 60
Digital video for ATV via phase 3 & 4 satellites 38
G8MWR Microwave program 43
GB3ZZ - The inside story 30
In the studio - part 11 - Chroma keying 27
Logic circuits - part 8 45
Motoring around (satellite dish) 35
Tuned UHF preamplifier 55
Using oscilloscopes - part 6 21
Video filter for 70cm 20
Video mixing desk & effects generator - part 3 9
Issue 152 November 1990
Article Page
10GHz the easy way - simple station setup 57
ATV, HDTV and all that - acronyms explained 75
Broadcast band DX-TV reception 65
Building the Teletext Pattern Generator (ATV) 45
Camtech video IF board 19
E.H.C 24cm FM-ATV receiver 77
In the Studio - Part 10 42
Introduction to the I 2 C book 18
Logic circuits - part 7 28
Modifying a ’SKYSCAN’ LNB for 24cm 53
Software notebook - VT clock (Sinclair BASIC) 48
Using oscilloscopes - part 5 49
Video Mixing Desk and Effects Generator - Part 2 9
Issue 151 August 1990
Article Page
BATC accounts for 1989 69
Broadcast video tape 25
Broadcast band DX-TV reception 78
Colour correction - part 3 45
Convention 90 - Show report 17
In the Studio - part 9 - Keying video 20
Logic circuits - part 6 52
Obituary - Mike Barlow G3CVO - Founder BATC 9
Robot 1200C analogue panel mods 60
SECAM reception on a Thorn TX9 chassis 64
SSTV AVT system for the Amiga 71
Satellite Receiver Preamp 38
Using oscilloscopes - part 4 33
Video Mixing Desk & Effects Generator 10
Issue 150 May 1990
Article Page
AZTEC 24cm ATV TX and preamp 45
Camera tubes explained - part 5 34
Colour Correction - part 2 24
Colour SSTV - almost state of the art 72
GB3TG - the gateway! 81
Logic circuits - part 5 57
New SSTV software (for BBC Master) 9
RGB to composite video converter 65
Transistor substitution [*151] 39
Twenty years of ATV 29
Using oscilloscopes - part 3 78
Issue 149 February 1990
Article Page
A 24cm Phase-lock-loop exciter for ATV 23
A high performance preamp for 24cm 36
A versatile camcorder cable adapter 34
ATV atop Mont Blanc 77
Broadcast Band DX TV reception 38
Camera tubes explained - part 4 50
Colour correction - part 1 59
Logic circuits - part 4 66
Picture-in-Picture, new technology 43
SSTV - The AVT system secrets revealed 79
Satellite chat 29
Super-VHS to RGB converter 9
The BATC goes to Eire 55
The PYE Lynx yet again 35
Using oscilloscopes - part 2 20
Issue 148 November 1989
Article Page
A Parametric tripler for 24cm 22
ATV and the Electron computer 39
Broadcast band DX-TV reception 49
Camera Tubes explained - part 3 74
Computer controlled SSTV (for the BBC) 35
DIY Robot-1200 description of self built 45
EPROMS - description of 41
Fugi lens modification (auto to manual) 26
More on the Amiga - titling etc 70
Stereo audio pre-amp 56
Tuneable intercarrier sound IF for DX-TV reception 60
Using oscilloscopes - part 1 31
Video distribution amplifier [TB2] 44
Issue 147 August 1989
Article Page
A video mixer/switcher 28
ATV and the AMIGA 66
ATV at the Pasedena Rose Show 62
BATC accounts for year ended 31st December 1988 10
Camera Tubes explained - part 2 43
Elantec Video chips (line drivers - applications) 50
G4ENA SSTV RX Converter Mod (vertical intermod) 64
Logic circuits - part 3, counters and triggers 77
More LYNX ideas 49
NICAM stereo digital sound 73
Pictures from Space 33
Precision Measuring Box 12
TV reception and the Weather 74
The 1989 BATC show 21
Trevor’s camera (SONY AVC3450CE) 76
Tube collection 36
Video recording amplifier 53
Issue 146 May 1989
Article Page
’KAGA’ monitor interface 35
33cm ATV Receiver 72
405-Line Interest Group 34
900MHz takes off 70
ASTRA Satellite info 78
ATV Quarterly Review 31
BETA video recorders for 70cm 80
Birth of the BATC 15
Broadcast band DX-TV reception 59
Camera Microphone Amplifier 28
Camera Tubes explained - part 1 55
Component Suppliers List 74
Forty years ago in CQ-TV 13
Logic circuits - part 2, Basic gates 41
Microwave Oven as an FM TV Transmitter 17
Odds & Sods from Andy 63
Old Camera Register 23
Satellite chat 82
Software notebook - EPR calculator 37
Solent TX - The last word 39
VHF/UHF Wideband Amplifier 52
Issue 145 February 1989
Article Page
AM ATV modulator (construction) 19
BATC Convention 1989 preview 10
Broadcast band DX-TV reception 45
Chequerboard pattern generator 12
Coax cable splitter 54
In place of the tube - part 5, X-Y CCDs 49
Intercarrier sound demodulator 43
Intercarrier sound modulator 41
Logic circuits - part 1, Introduction to logic 32
Panasonic WJ-MX10 Digital mixer 77
Polarotor controller 56
Satellite chat 59
Satellites and all that 69
Slot aerials 51
Solent 24cm Transmitter - The epilogue 37
Sound Image video processor 79
Video to Decoder interface (computer to PAL coder) 70
Issue 144 November 1988
Article Page
’Video’ tuners for 70. (mods to VCR tuners) 63
50MHz FM-TV test source 58
A VSWR bridge. (construction of) 78
A limiter for FM-TV 17
BATC - Purveyors of Video to the RSGB 48
Broadcast band DX-TV reception 22
Dot matrix. Character rounding for SSTV converter 46
Frequency counter (high frequency for 24cm) 18
GaAs FET Converter for 24cm ATV 6
In place of the tube - part 4, Colour CCDs 60
Just a MMIC. (microwave amplifier) 26
Philips KT-3 colour television on 70cm 14
Proposals for ATV on future space missions 51
Software notebook - 13, BBC colour bars 31
TV repeater logic design 73
Test gear explained 65
The ASTEC TVRO tuner. Tuning for Sky, Superchannel 39
Troubleshooting the G2WCY SSTV converter 44
UK ATV repeaters (complete up to date list) 59
Videocassette Recorders - Book review 12
Wideband video processing 69
Issue 143 August 1988
Article Page
A repeater application - licence application 26
BATC accounts for 1987 64
BATC at Drayton Hamvention in the USA 32
Boards for the CQ-TV 134 PAL coder 76
Broadcast band DX-TV reception 44
CQ-TV award - General information 63
Colour board for the CQ-TV 129 sync processor 42
Colour on the BBC Master computer 7
Happy birthday EATWG 84
In place of the tube - part 3, CCD video amps 22
Mainly SSTV, Notes for Spectrum computer 20
Monitor interface, conversion for composite video 70
Monitoring the ROBOT 1200C 62
Philips MSX-2 micro video capabilities 66
Pulse cross from an unconventional SCART 24
Satellite TV news, DBS, decoders 50
Satellite chat 52
Spectrum EPROM programmer (new) 12
Static protection 11
Television receiver field strength indicator 60
Issue 142 May 1988
Article Page
ATV program for the BBC, logos and locator 68
An FM-TV modulator using the NE564 33
Broadcast band DX-TV reception 50
In place of the tube - part 2, CCD scanning 56
Mainly SSTV - Computer programs reviewed 30
On screen video level indicator 6
Pulse and bar testing 42
Report for FM-TV, draft regulations 70
Satellite TV news, Scramblers, ASTEC ’S’ meter 36
Solent 24cm Transmitter 46
Sound sub-carrier generator 63
Specmanship - part 5, RF power 66
Spectrum Freezer - new software 54
Starting on 70cm, an introduction to ATV on 70 18
TV IF pre-amplifier 79
Teletron monitor - A machine code monitor 16
Towards better editing 34
Issue 141 February 1988
Article Page
1.3GHz power amplifier for a repeater 52
23cm ATV ’down under’ 30
A 10GHz station described 20
A computerised log - BBC software 35
A new ’1043’ - sync generator 12
A new video switch (TEA2014) 43
A power divider/combiner, alternative to Wilkinson 79
Auto burst phasing 51
Broadcast band DX-TV reception 32
In place of the tube - part 1, The CCD 75
LM1881 video sync separator explained 40
Let’s build a repeater - part 3, A/V switch 44
Paging the Cropredy - testcard expansion 55
Software notebook 12 - Spectrum MAIDENHEAD locator 11
Sound in the studio - part 2, Balancing 57
Specmanship - part 4 – Modulation 6
Term trouble? - ’black & burst’ explained 19
The Solent/Worthing ATV transmitter – notes 14