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GB3HV is moving

We left our lovely Farnham site before Christmas 2021 but the good news is that Roy G8CKN has offered to host the repeater at his QTH in IO91LD - this is a great site with different coverage to Farnham but we are hoping all of you will still be able to access it. There’s a lot of work to do at Roy’s and with the repeater rebuild but we are hoping to get it installed during the spring.

Equipment and rebuild

We are also taking the opportunity to rebuild HV and in particular we are hoping to get rid of all the yellow phono plugs and go digital in, digital out. This has been possible by the great done by Dave G8GKQ on the BATC repeater controller project which uses HDMI video switchers - see

This is currently on beta test at my QTH with a stream rxr and a QO100 rxr connected and output on the HV stream: The Tuesday net at 8pm is still very active with a number of stations either coming in by the stream rxr or 10,499.25 MHz on QO100.

Inputs and outputs

Input and outputs on the new repeater will be as follows:

70cms 437 MHz DATV rx on 2ms, 1ms and 333ks with steerable beam.

23cms 1248 DATV rx on 2ms, 1ms and 333ks with steerable beam.

23cms ATV analogue rx and potentially 5.6GHz ATV rx

We will be applying for 23cms and 3.4GHz transmit NoVs.


A lot of the rebuild has been made possible by 2 generous BATC grants but going forward we will looking for a small annual subscription to cover the costs (including power) of operating at Roy’s.