RPi Test Card

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Animated test cards using the Raspberry Pi.

The latest version is media:tcanim1v15.zip

The original article by Brian G4EWJ appeared in CQ-TV 251 - available here.

New features:

Multiple images may be specified, changing at a specified rate.

Both the banner and balloons may be turned off.

A bug which could cause a graphics crash after a few hours has been fixed.

Instructions are included to disable the RPi screen saver.

This is a short video of an animated test card: media:tcanim.mpg

The version that featured in CQ-TV 251 is media:tcanim1v04.zip


To set the HDMI output to 720 x 576 x 25i, uncomment and edit these lines in /boot/config.txt and then reboot:



Problems (2):

Running on Raspbian Jessie Lite gave the error message:

./tcanim1v15: error while loading shared libraries: libjpeg.so.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

To fix this, while connected to the internet, type:

sudo apt-get install libjpeg8

Running on Raspbian Stretch (4.9.59-v7+ #1047) gave the error message:

./tcanim1v15: error while loading shared libraries: libGLESv2.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

To fix this, while connected to the internet (for the first line at least), type:

sudo apt-get install libjpeg8

sudo cp /opt/minecraft-pi/lib/brcm/libEGL.so /usr/lib

sudo cp /opt/minecraft-pi/lib/brcm/libGLESv2.so /usr/lib