Streaming directly from MiniTiouner

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Using the UDP output and an ffmpeg batch file it is possible to stream directly from MiniTionuer to the BATC streamer.

Note: this requires a high spec PC and drop outs and audio problems on higher bit rates are likely to be due to processor overloading.

It also requires some knowledge of batch files etc and is therefore not recommended for beginners!

Configuring MiniTionue software

  • configure MiniTioune to receive signals.
  • Edit your minitioune.ini file (found in the same directory as all MiniTioune programs) so that the UDP output is only on and port 1234 - it should look like this:
; adresse UDP / UDP address

Install ffmpeg

The next step is to install ffmpeg on your PC. Download it from here: Use the release build, 32-bit, static. Unzip the downloaded file and move the files to a folder called ffmpeg on your C:\ drive so that it has the folders bin, docs, licenses and presets inside it.

Now create the windows batch file which will control ffmpeg. Copy the following text in to a text editor (windows note pad etc):

SET ffmpeg="C:\Users\fred\Desktop\ffmpeg\ffmpeg-4.1-win32-static\bin\ffmpeg.exe"
SET stream=g8abc-derjky
 %ffmpeg% -i udp:// -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 64k -c:v libx264 -b:v 600k -preset fast -f flv rtmp://
goto loop

You MUST change the text highlighted in black:

Set FFMPEG="" should have the path to the ffmpeg.exe file on your computer

SET stream= Enter your BATC "stream name-stream key" details found on your member's account summary - the 2 fields are separated by a hyphen.

Save the file in the ffmpeg directory as a stream.bat (NOT.txt) and if needed create a shortcut to your desk top.

Run the program

Start MiniTioune as normal and set it to receive a signal - then press the UDP button.

Now run the batch file you created. You will probably get a windows firewall message - click allow.

You should now see your received signal appear on your members channel on the BATC streamer.

Streaming from VLC

You can also stream directly from VLC player and by using the VLC screen capture input to feed the MiniTioune display to the streamer.

As it is capturing the full desktop display it will require MiniTioune being left in the foreground on one of the full screen modes but this also might be handy as it also captures the MiniTioune panels.


Alter the callsign-yourkey to match your settings. (Audio's not working though...)

"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" screen:// :screen-fps=25.000000 :live-caching=300 --sout="#transcode{vcodec=h264,acodec=mpga,ab=128,channels=2,sampl erate=44100}:std{access=rtmp,dst=rtmp://,port=1935,mux=flv}"