Portsdown 2020 Buster Software
The Portsdown Buster Software is a major change from previous Portsdown Software. The complete system needs retesting (and much of it needs re-writing) so only specific features will initially be declared as fit for use, with more features being added to the list as testing progresses.
The changes being introduced with this software include:
- A new LimeDVB mode that uses custom Firmware for a LimeSDR Mini to produce DVB-S and DVB-S2 signals.
- The ability to select whether LimeSDR calibration takes place before transmission
- A specific capability to transmit 1MS DVB-S2 with high reliability for use in repeater transmitters.
Tested Modes of Operation
EasyCap input, H264 DVB-S2 output using LimeDVB
This mode transmits reasonable pictures at symbol rates from 125 kS to 3000 MS.
Pi Camera input, H264 DVB-S2 output using LimeDVB
This mode transmits reasonable pictures at symbol rates from 125 kS to 3000 MS, both with and without a USB Microphone dongle.
Animated Test card (TCAnim) input, H264 DVB-S2 output using LimeDVB
This mode transmits reasonable pictures at symbol rates from 125 kS to 2000 MS, both with and without a USB Microphone dongle.
Static Test Card input, H264 DVB-S2 output using LimeDVB
This mode transmits reasonable pictures from Test Card C (with callsign caption idf selected), or the contest numbers card at symbol rates from 125 kS to 2000 MS. Audio is disabled when using the static test card or contest numbers.
LimeDVB Firmware for the LimeSDR Mini
To load the LimeDVB custom firmware, first check the current Firmware standard (Menu 3, Lime Config, Lime FW Info). It should be 1.30. If not, update it to 1.30 (Menu 3, Lime Config, Update to FW 1.30). Once at this standard, update with the DVB Firmware (Menu 3, Lime Config, Update to DVB FW).
If you do not have a touchscreen (for example setting up a repeater trnsmitter), you can achieve the same actions by using the Lime Config Menu on the Console after connecting to the Raspberry Pi by ssh.
LimeSDR Models
Only the LimeSDR Mini (hardware versions 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3) is supported by this build. It is hoped to add LimeNET Micro support, but the LimeSDR USB will not be supported.
USB Webcams
Although not working yet, the only USB Webcam that is planned to be supported in Portsdown Buster is the Logitech C920. If you have other webcams working with Portsdown Jessie or Portsdown Stretch, then please keep using the older software..
Carrier Mode using LimeDVB
When carrier mode is selected with LimeDVB as the selected output, and LimeDVB gateware loaded, the carrier is only transmitted at a very low level (-40 db?).
LimeRFE Control
Although there is a button to enable/disable a USB-connected LimeRFE, this does not yet do anything.