146 MHz filters

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170MHz Low pass transmit Filter

Minikits in Australia make a really good low pass filter which is ideal for use with the Portsdown or other 146 Mhz DATV transmitters.


Or there are a number of published designs which are easy to build using a minimum of tools:

Low pass 7 pole 144 MHz filter

YU7EF2m LPF 7 pole .jpg Response of YU7EF filter built by G7JTT

A simple DIY filter was originally published in the RSGB VHF manual and described in CQ-TV 250

146 filter.JPG

144 MHz band pass filter by YU1LM

This is a nice easy filter to build and can be used on the output of the Portsdown transmitter before any power amplifier stages.


File:2m BP FILTER-YU1LM.pdf

There is also some discussion on the Funcube dongle website of the YU1LM filter http://www.funcubedongle.com/?p=456

Manufacturers of 144 - 148 MHz filters

  • OCI is a Canadian manufacturer [1]