Antennae changeover relays
On the common frequencies used for ATV (146 MHz above) the antennae changeover relay is a critical component and must be low loss so not to adversely affect both transmit and receive performance.
146 and 70cms
A good paper to read is Ian White's DG8 pre-amp article - - it's designed around 145 MHz but cover a lot of good practical engineering practice for pre-amps etc and does talk a little bit about the need for good relays.
For 70 cm you can use reasonably cheap BNC relays like those above and the Cx540 which are often available surplus. SMA relays are much more common for about £10 and up at a rally or microwave round table. It helps to know what you are looking for, RLC, Radiall, Teledyne etc. Don't be put off if it has a 28V coil or 4 ports (usually a transfer relay). Ratings can be estimated here ... id=5&id=61
On the input I would tend to use something like the RS951 and you can pick them up at rallys for a couple of quid!
23cms and above
For microwaves 23cm and down you need microwave relays. These come in many types but the most common are TNC, N or SMA. Good N-type relays (not the CX520s) tend to be expensive.
Typical sma relays which are good up to 10GHz are shown below:
Coil voltages
Whilst 12v operation is desirable, most surplus relays are 28v operation. This can easily be overcome by using a switching regulator from ebay as shown in the picture (search for step up buck regulator) to boost the 12volts on transmit to 24v.