Ryde GPIO Connections

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RPi 4 GPIO pin out


  • Note the RPi4 (only) can be powered with 5.2 v directly on Pins 2 and 4. Ground is Pins 6, 9, 14, 20, 25, 30, 34 and 39.

Ryde GPIO breakout PCB=

Full details and connections for the breakout PCB available from the BATC are here: Ryde GPIO breakout

GPIO Connections for the Ryde Receiver

Here is the initial list of GPIO connections. Note that there have been 2 changes since the first release (on 14 July 2020); the Up button has been moved from pin 12 to pin 8, and the band MSB from pin 35 to pin 10. The first Ryde Build release that works with the front panel buttons will reflect the mapping below.

Provision has been made for future updates to the Ryde to use I2C and SPI to communicate between the Raspberry Pi and the NIM.

Pin No BCM No Wiring Pi RPi Pri RPi Alt0 Primary Use Secondary Use Notes
1 - - 3.3v - - - -
2 - - 5v - - - -
3 2 8 GPIO 2 SDA1 - - Future NIM I2C
4 - - 5v - - - -
5 3 9 GPIO 3 SCL1 - - Future NIM I2C
6 - - 0v - - - -
7 4 7 GPIO 4 GPCLK0 Valid RX Signal - Active High
8 14 15 GPIO 14 TXD0 Button - Up - Active low
9 - - 0v - - - -
10 15 16 GPIO 15 RXD0 Band MSB D2 - -
11 17 0 GPIO 17 FL1 IR Sensor Input Active low
12 18 1 GPIO 18 SPI6_CE0_N - - Future 2nd TS
13 27 2 GPIO 27 SD0_DAT3 Button - Down - Active low
14 - - 0v - - - -
15 22 3 GPIO 22 SD0_CLK Button - Left - Active low
16 23 4 GPIO 23 SD0_CMD Button - Right - Active low
17 - - 3.3v - - - -
18 24 5 GPIO 24 SD0_DAT0 Button - Select - Active low
19 10 12 GPIO 10 SPI0_MOSI - - Future Pri TS
20 - - 0v - - - -
21 9 13 GPIO 9 SPI0_MISO - - Future Pri TS
22 25 6 GPIO 25 SD0_DAT1 Button - Back - Active low
23 11 14 GPIO 11 SPI0_SCLK - - Future Pri TS
24 8 10 GPIO 8 SPI0_CE0_N - - Future Pri TS
25 - - 0v - - - -
26 7 11 GPIO 7 SPI0_CE1_N Hardware Shutdown - Active low if enabled
27 0 30 ID_SD SDA0 Reserved - Not Available
28 1 31 ID_SC SCL0 Reserved - Not Available
29 5 21 GPIO 5 GPCLK0 Button - Menu - Active low
30 - - 0v - - - -
31 6 22 GPIO 6 GPCLK2 Button - Mute - Active Low
32 12 26 GPIO 12 PWM0 Band LSB D0 - -
33 13 23 GPIO 13 PWM1 Band NSB D1 - -
34 - - 0v - - - -
35 19 24 GPIO 19 SPI6_MESO - - Future 2nd TS
36 16 27 GPIO 16 FL0 Button - Power - Active low
37 26 25 GPIO 26 SD0_DAT2 Button - OSD Info - Active low
38 20 28 GPIO 20 SPI6_MOSI - - Future 2nd TS
39 - - 0v - - - -
40 21 29 GPIO 21 SPI6_SCLK - - Future 2nd TS

Note that the GPIO pin names are markedly different from the RPi 3B. Each pin on the RPi4 GPIO can be referred to in many ways: its physical pin number, the Broadcom I/O number, the Wiring Pi number or the primary or alternate names. Source for GPIO designations was the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B datasheet.