SUP2400 DiSEqC
In order to receive 437 MHz (70cms) DATV on a standard satellite STB, you need to up convert the signal to L band. Luckily there is a consumer device available in the USA which is used on cable networks to up convert UHF signals to L Band where they are then received on a standard satellite box. The units are made by a company called Zinwell and known as SUP-2400. They are available on ebay but only in the US and so are stocked in the BATC shop.
However, before use on 70cms, they either require hardware modification as described in CQ-TV 239 and available here, or the use of the Diseqc controller by G7DOE as described in CQ-TV 250 to work on DATV.
This page lists details of PCBs for Ron's (G7DOE) SUP2400 DiSEqC controller.
Through hole version to make yourself:
File:SUP2400 DiSEqC Thru Hole PARTS.xls File:SUP2400 DiSEqC Thru Hole ETCH.pdf
A surface mount version that can be coax powered or externally powered
File:SUP2400 DiSEqC bottom.pdf
I have some commercially manufactured PCBs of this type contact G4KLB if you would like one - will post some pictures on the BATC forum in due course.