Filter Modulator build

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Revision as of 12:15, 4 February 2017 by G8GTZ (talk | contribs)
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There are 2 ways to get a Portsdown filter modulator board which is the only custom hardware required for the project.

Ready built and tested Portsdown modulator boards will be available from the BATC shop This is the easiest way to get one, but there will be a delay whilst they are manufactured and tested - current estimate for delivery due to Chinese New Year is mid February 2017 .

2-3 Filter-Modulator2.jpg

For those wanting to construct the board themselves, the blank PCB is available from the BATC shop

Note: Building the board is not a beginner's construction project as the PCB contains 129 surface mount parts including ICs in dense packages.  If you are not used to SMD assembly, we suggest you buy the assembled PCB from the BATC shop.

Parts List

Below is a bare bones parts list, or Bill of Materials, as an .xls file which you can upload to Digikey.

If you wish to make any changes such as select the larger heatsink option, use an external regulator, a different heatsink or delete components you already have, simply amend the item in the "Quantity" column before uploading to Digikey.

To use the facility, sign in to digikey (you will need to register first) and go to my basket and follow these instructions. You then need to make the following changes:

  • Change the "First part Record begins on Row" to "2"
  • Use the column drop down boxes to match the first 3 column titles to the .xls file. Note the final 2 columns are for your reference only - on some tape and reel components you are ordering more parts than required as this is the most economical price break - you can change these in the .xls if you require but Digikey will then mark them as a query item.

Once finished the Portsdown BoM should look like this:

Digikey 2.JPG

Then simply checkout and pay Digikey and it will automatically order all the parts you require to construct the board which will arrive bagged up marked with circuit references. This is the recommended way to order your parts if you decide to build the board yourself, but you can of course order the parts from your own supplier.

Board information