Portsdown Test Equipment

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The Portsdown 4 includes some very useful test equipment features including 6GHz RF signal generator, Noise figure meter, frequency sweeper and noise power meter.

Most of these facilities can be run from a basic RPi running the free Portsdown software.

Constructors can build their own SD Cards using the install file on GitHub BATC Portsdown 4 GitHub Page. Pre-programmed SD Cards are also available from the BATC Shop - https://batc.org.uk/shop/portsdown-transmitter-pre-programmed-sd-card/

The Signal Generator is described here: Portsdown_4_Signal_Generator.

The Band Viewer is described here: Portsdown_Band_Viewer.

The Power Meter is described in CQ-TV 273.

The Noise Figure Meter is described here Portsdown NF Meter

The RF Noise Level Meter is described here Portsdown Noise Meter

The Frequency Sweeper is described here Portsdown Sweeper

The XY Display is described here: Portsdown_XY_Display.

The Digitial Multimeter Display and Logger is described here Portsdown DMM Display and Logger

The IQ File player is described here Portsdown IQ File Player